Captain's Choice for Quote of the Week


"The name of Dengar and its association with incredible amounts of destruction would last until the end of time and probably several weeks past it."

LT (sg) Rada Dengar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Serendipity


"...could there be any worse a death than the kind where you live on?"

LT. (sg) Rada Dengar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Serendipity


"I wonder how the cat tastes."

Ensign Hok
CONN Officer


"In conclusion...boiling isolinear chips is bad."

Commander Dabin Reece
Chief of Sciences
USS Serendipity


"Congratulations Commander Blane! You are our lucky winner, and I’m as happy as a vampire during a solar eclipse.”

Dr. Dalton McKay
(as told by)
Commander Dabin Reece
Chief of Sciences
USS Serendipity


“I swear, the next time I travel back to 1641 I’m telling Charles to wipe your silly little country off the map.”

Ashton Ledbetter
Temporal Investigations Agent
Speaking to Keiran O'Sullivan
(as told by Commander Salvek )


“How did ya kill the Borg Queen this time, Ledbetter? Strangle her with her own spine again?”

Commander *Keiran O'Sullivan
(As told by Commander Salvek)


“She is my captain and I WILL protect her with any means at my disposal, any means! Do we understand each other?”

Commander TC Blane,
to Temporal Investigations Agent
William Lindsay


““Given enough time the department would descend into a primitive violent warrior culture where the replicator was the only law. The only problem was that they’d never be given enough time because at the start of this entire thing they were under attack and with no Engineers working on anything except drawing up blue prints the ship would be destroyed within minutes. If Rada did wake up he’d probably be dead."

Lt. Commander Rada Dengar
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Serendipity NCC 2012


"Did ya not listen to a single word I ever told you about the woman, William?"

Commander *Keiran O'Sullivan
(speaking of Zanh Liis
to Temporal Investigations
Agent William Lindsay)


As the doors opened, Zanh Liis saw the pair yapping at each other like a couple of Chihuahuas in a turf war over a chicken bone.

"That’s enough, both of you. Act like that in front of the Admiral and she’ll throw you both out the airlock, unless I beat her to it.”

Captain Zanh Liis
(speaking to Dabin Reece and
Ashton Ledbetter,
as told by Reece)


"Dabin, if you 'the baby' me one more time, I swear I'll jettison you so far into space this baby will be the least of your worries." Bru warned while keeping her calm.

"Actually, I highly doubt that--" Dabin never finished.

"The least of your worries!" This time, less calm was in her voice.

February Grace,
speaking to Dabin Reece
(as told by Counselor Vol Tryst)


"In the all-time rankin' of brilliant ideas, this is right up there with spray-on hair and Lincoln's decision to take in a show."

Dr. Dalton McKay
(speaking to Zanh Liis)


"So, I'm off my medication and not much in the mood for small talk. I understand there's a boom swinging over me. Please, by all means. Lower it."

Captain Zanh Liis, to Admiral Lassiter

“Might I also add that your husband is a lucky man to have married you. Looks and power, awesome combo.”

Commander Lance Hartcort, to Captain Zanh


“You are in no condition to do any saving, rescuing or rampaging tonight."

Counselor Vol Tryst, to Captain Zanh


“Don’t sweat it, Cristiane. It sometimes takes years to become competent.”

TC Blane, to Dane Cristiane


““The accident report filed by Commander Blane says the cause was, let me see if I remember the exact wording, ‘a lack of reflexes and an abundance of stupidity’ if I remember correctly. He even suggested that I run a scan to make sure that you do, in fact, have a brain.”

CMO Lance Hartcort, to Dane Cristiane


Liis laughed out loud. "You, Steele and Cristiane. The Three Musketeers ride again."

"More like one Musketeer and two Stooges.”

TC Blane, concerning the 'special mission' he'd been in charge of.

-=/\=- I was standing there, wondering what was next. When suddenly, the ground caved in below me! Betazed swallowed me whole, like Lair Kellyn on a fork full of Chinese food.”

Dabin Reece, regaling the crew with a tale of adventure in an attempt to win
The Balderdash Cup


"Ya’ll should know that ya got about three seconds to yap at me before we go to super-duper Warp or whatever the hell they call it and I disappear from your screen faster than a skeeter during froggin’ season!"

Dr. Dalton McKay, Long-Term Medical Hologram


"I know we're short staffed and all, but with the repairs complete, isn't there a flunky somewhere we can put on finding out what the hell happened to my chair? At moments like this I really miss Cristiane."

Captain Zanh Liis O'Sullivan, USS


"Reece! You're sitting in a bar, and in walks Godzilla. He's pissed off and looking for trouble. Soon, a fight breaks out."

[What am I drinking?]

"It doesn't matter, it's tossed from your hand."

[What was I drinking?]

Counselor Tryst and Dabin Reece, speaking over subspace.
(as told by Vol Tryst)


"All I wanted was some tea, is that so much to ask?"

Counselor Tryst, speaking to Keiran O'Sullivan


"And so the frog says to the targ, y’all can keep the umbrella but I want my skeeter back!"

Dalton McKay,
speaking to the Vulcan CMO of the
(as told by Dabin Reece)


"You have done your best. It is time for them to take up the work of your hands. "

Anian Naloy
(Zanh Liis' Grandmother, speaking to Liis in a dream)


“How the hell many of you are there?"

LT. CMDR Michael Blakeney
Temporal Investigations
(to an unknown assailant)


“I seem to have forgotten a little, but I still remember that I won the bet.”

LT. CMDR Rada Dengar
(talking to Lair Kellyn)


“Brave man, telling a Bajoran woman what she thinks before she's finished her morning coffee."

-=/\=- Zanh Liis
(speaking to TC Blane)


Tryst inclined his head with curiosity, wondering how the Vulcan could so casually fix himself a spot of a tea with lemon at a time like this.

(Written by Commander Salvek)


"There is no map for this. There is no...absolute. There is only uncertainty, and waiting. It's sort of like..." he paused, wondering if she'd spent enough time on Earth to understand the religious term he was about to use. "Purgatory."

Keiran O'Sullivan, speaking to Wren Elton


"Be careful what you wish for, Mister Blane." She said with a small laugh. "You haven't known Reece quite as long as I have. Chandelier swinging is a likely future possibility, if not an outright eventual certainty."

Zanh Liis, speaking to TC Blane


"Allow me to introduce myself. I am God."

Ladron Reece (past host of the Reece symbiont) to the locals on Sveji, in the year 2239


"You are a force of nature, Madame."

Vol Tryst, to February Grace

"Are ya reall'a gonna do this to 'em, Liis? A bugle would be a hellofa lot kinder, yeah?"

Commander Keiran O'Sullivan to his wife, the Captain of the USS Serendipity


"Remember what happened last time you got too close to me while I was holding a lengthy metallic pole, Cristiane? Unless you want me to break your nose again or find an even more unpleasant way to inflict pain using this thing I sincerely suggest that you cram it."

Ensign Landry Steele, to Dane Cristiane


*Captain. Ha.* Mellice shook his head in amazement. Wonders truly never did cease.

Lt. Mellice Cem, considering the current rank of old friend Zanh Liis


"I hope you've thought this through. 'Cause I think you've seriously underestimated the combined power of my posse!"

Lieutenant February Grace
to Jelca, her alien captor


"I’m gonna put a freaking cow bell on that door."

CMO Lance Hartcort, to Commander TC Blane


"Good to see that married life hasn't done an'a'thin' to lighten that black cloud over yer head, Zanh Liis. After all, what would the universe be without it."

Captain William Lindsay


“When you have confirmed that you do indeed have those you claim to possess and that they are being well cared for, then we will discuss what the next step will be. Contact me, through the proper channel, when you are ready. Until that time my response to you and your demands is simply…nuts.”

Commander TC Blane


"Why don't you just set me on fire and ask me to do the hula while you're at it," Trev retorted, not believing Dane knew what he was asking.

"You'd be dressed for it!" Dane barked.


"Don't make me go looking for another bottle to break over your head."

Lair Kellyn, to Dane Cristiane


"Not a word, William. Not a bloody word."

Keiran O'Sullivan, to Will Lindsay
while in the brig aboard the USS Poseidon

The counselor returned balancing four bags of popcorn, two sodas all while a Snickers bar was being held between his teeth. He walked to Dabin and stood in front of him before the Trill finally noticed him.

Dabin looked at the food, then up at Vol's face.

"You are so hot right now."

Vol rolled his eyes. "I gogna tump dis on yor faith."

(Written by Vol Tryst)


"Keiran, for Christ’sake, think with yer brain for a minute!"

(William Lindsay, as told by Keiran O'Sullivan)


"Good thing we didn't take him to see Statue of Liberty or her head would now be floating upside down in Hudson River."

Fleur Le Marc, speaking of Dabin Reece
